During a disastrous event, it is necessary to mobilize assistance and restore order as quickly as possible. Panic among the injured needs to be mitigated through a form of communication that can command attention and give direction to the masses. Sonic’s light and sound results in a multi sensory megaphone-like device for gaining the attention of and communicating to groups in a disaster situation. Relying on human powered charging rather than the electric grid, Sonic can remain operational in the worst of times. 
Focusing on situations where groups are dispersed and communication is required a variety of multi-sensory communication devices were examined along with anthropometry, sense related reaction time, color psychology, International Standards, patents, existing products, and relevant technology. 

A variety of communication methods, ergonomic interactions, and charging solutions were explored. Handheld concepts were recognized as being more portable than body-worn variations. 

Concept Development
Several concepts were explored in more depth through sketches and models and mechanical consideration was given to how features would operate. Some designs are charges using a continuous crank mechanism and supporting the unit with the foot while others incorporate front extensions that contain lights, adjustable bells so that the sound can be focused, and ripcord style charging which allows the user to charge the device without changing its position.
Component Layout
Interior component placement was considered for balance and proper sizing of the device
Mechanical Models
Functional models are used to explore concepts for arm support, charging methods, and locking mechanisms
Form Development
After a concept was selected the form was refined through sketching resulting in a refined version with 3 bell extensions tipped with lights, A ripcord charger, folding arm supports, and bluetooth headset input. 
3D Form Development
Further form refinement, proportions, and ergonomics were explored through physical modeling. 
Exterior Elements 
Interior Elements
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